Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Image result for articulation

Some students have been working hard on their articulation skills. After a student establishes how to say a sound in isolation they must practice saying that sound in words, phrases and eventually sentences and conversation. It is an important part of carryover to practice these words at home and with different listeners as well. If you know your child's sounds, follow the links below for words to practice at home.
Speech sound developmental chart

S blends
L blends

Some of our students have difficulty recalling the names of common items or names.  We sometimes describe this as having the word on the "tip of our tongue."  Below are some strategies your children can use when they are having a hard time remembering the name of something.

Word Finding

 1.               Point to it, draw it, write it…
 2.               Put things into categories
 3.               Give the definition
Image result for word head 4.                Synonyms
 5.               Antonyms
 6.               Describe it
Some of our students have been using the Visualizing and Verbalizing program to help with their comprehension.  Visualizing and Verbalizing is program that teaches children to create a "movie" in their minds to help them understand what they are reading/listening to.  Children use the following structure words to help with their descriptions:
  • what
  • size
  • color
  • shape 
  • number
  • background
  • perspective
  • where
  • when
  • sound
  • mood
  • movement