There are many different apps available for speech and language therapy. Students love when I incorporate the iPad into their speech session. Here are some apps that you can try out at home for some extra practice. Many of them are FREE or have lite versions. (Note: These are only suggestions. Please ask your SLP for more specific recommendations.) variety of apps for preschool to early elementary
Teach Speech Apps: work on pronouns, prepositions, WH-questions, etc.
My Playhome: interactive game moving characters into different settings, builds vocabulary and language
Grammaropolis: works on variety of grammar structures such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, etc.
iSequences: place picture cards into correct sequences, take a guess what will happen next
I Can Do Apps: language development including learning emotions, rhyming, categories, etc.
Quizlet: create flashcards, great way to build vocabulary or study for a test
Brain Pop Jr.: watch videos with Moby
Talking Pictures: add voice to your pictures and practice your sounds
Fun with Directions: follow verbal directions
Mad Libs for Kids: practice parts of speech and make a funny story
Heads Up (just for kids deck): great for expanding language and describing objects
Time Timer: visual timer can be used for homework, chores, etc.
Question Sleuth: find the hidden star by asking questions
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